LongLeanBaby has arrived…

1 week old - Sweet dreams

…and so have the long late nights!

6 weeks later – I finally have a few minutes to announce the arrival of LongLeanBaby, Isabella!  Isabella made her grand entrance on December 5, 2009, my birthday, and weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces, 21 inches long.  What a precious gift!

The last 6 weeks have been challenging!  You CANNOT prepare for this.  I read everything, researched, prepared, nested…you name it, I did it; and I can now admit, I had no idea what I was in for…

  1. My Birth plan or should we say, My not part of the Birth Plan.  Being so fit and prepared, I thought my delivery would be smooth and au natural…not so much.  That’s another topic that I will discuss in my next blog post. All I can say is, have an open mind and remember healthy baby & healthy mommy is what’s important.
  2. Breastfeeding – OMG, it is hard work!  The latch, drinking enough water, eating enough food, having enough supply, pumping – where’s the time, especially since LLB wants to eat ALL the TIME??  It has taken all of 6 weeks to become comfortable and have faith that I am successfully breastfeeding.  I know its working…she gained 3 lbs & 1.5 inches in her first five weeks.  Yay!  Thank God for the support of my wonderful husband (super proud Papa), my lactation consultant, friends & http://www.kellymom.com
  3. Baby blues – check!  Everyday in the first few weeks and still a little here and there, I am second guessing myself, feeling like I am not doing a good enough job.  I would sob when I looked at her, sob when I felt like I couldn’t make her happy, sob when I thought I wasn’t good enough, sob when I hadn’t sat down or rested for hours and it seemed like there was no end in sight.  This is normal…hormones!!  Thankfully, the sobbing has curtailed and I am now settled in and enjoying motherhood rather than stressing about it.  Mommy groups really help too:)  They’ve helped me realize I’m not crazy AND I’m not alone!
  4. Time.  Ahhh, I would give anything to add a few more hours to each day.  Free time is few and far between and quite precious!  Many people have told me, “sleep when she sleeps”.  I say, baaaah!  What about eating, showering, and communicating with the outside world?  Eating was one of the hardest things to do, believe it or not.  I know it’s important to sleep, but my advice is cherish any free time you have and use it wisely.  Try to get a little rest AND get other things done too…it helps keep you sane!

5 weeks - Alert little peanut!

Being a mom is the most difficult and rewarding “job” I have ever had!  Watching our beautiful daughter grow and change everyday is amazing…a true miracle right before our eyes.  I look forward to the changes she’ll undoubtedly go through, the milestones we’ll reach and memories we’ll make for years to come!

Writing this post has taken a bit longer than usual…a word here and there between nursing sessions, cries, diaper changes…and although it took a little little longer than normal, I have proven to myself that I can do it, ALL of it, with patience and great time management skills!!

3 thoughts on “LongLeanBaby has arrived…

  1. Hi Jill. I just read your latest blog. You are giving out such important info! I remember feeling exactly as you did. I thought I was the only one who felt that way too and I was sure I was crazy! Nothing can prepare you, no matter how many people you talk to, how many books you read, or classes you take. As a childbirth educator, I have had so many women say, “You were right,you just can’t verbalize it, you have to go through it. Well, we all adjust to new mommyhood. I did and I fell in love with my daughter and with being a mommy.My second child was a piece of cake. Now they are grown up and wonderful young women, so I must have done something right!!! Anyway, I think you speak for so many women and to say it outloud is soooo important! I am so proud of you!
    can’t wait to see you and baby Bella. Xoxoxoxo

  2. Congratulations on your new little one! Breastfeeding really is rough the first few weeks. I had to go through the bad latch deal which makes feeding time unbearable for a few days. And, the cluster feeding starting around 6pm and lasting until 9 or 10 was hard to get used to. But, after all of that (11 months later) I am in love with breastfeeding! It’s easy, it’s a tool you can use for many situations, and it really creates a strong bond with you and your baby. Just remember to cherish these beginning weeks and know that it gets easier and better everyday!!

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